Friday, January 28, 2011

Good Readers, Good Writers

Link to show what good readers do a to z.

#1 What does Nabokov think makes a good reader?    
Nabokov believes that a good reader is made up of many things like a good imagination, a good artistic sense, a good memory and being able to see the story as if you were watching a movie. He thinks that the reader should be able to see the writing as if it was a picture. Being able to see what is going on in the writing, feeling the emotions coming from the writing like you can see clearly from looking at a picture. Nabokov considers writing as a piece of artwork and that we all should appreciate it like we would appreciate a good painting.

#2 Do you agree?
I do agree with Nabokov about what makes a good reader. All of the traits that he listed to make up a good reader are true.

#3 What do you believe are the characteristics of a good reader?
I believe the characteristics of a good reader are basically the same as what Nabokov stated. I also think that one more important aspect of becoming a good reader is you have to be interested, like Nabokov said the reader should prefer to read a book with action and dialog over one that does not have either, but also I think that in order to be a good reader at all you need to have the motivation to pick up a book period, whether it is a good or bad book but be willing to try it out. No one can be a good reader if they don’t have motivation to read.

#4 Do you consider yourself a good reader?
I consider myself an ok reader. I have never been the best at comprehension and I have to get motivating to read. I am hoping that with my classes I can improve my skills and be more interested in reading.,r:3,s:0&tx=66&ty=40