Sunday, February 6, 2011

"The Necessity to Speak" Sam Hamill

Sam Hamill’s  poem “The Necessity to Speak” was vey enlightening to me. It showed me how much a problem domestic abuse is in our country and how it can change people lives forever. Abuse can almost be a tradition for a family from father to son from son to grandson. To them it is a normal way of life. The author has very strong feelings about what he talks about throughout the poem and he tries to help the people in trouble with his own experiences. Sam is able to help others with the same issues that he had when he was younger because he knows what it is like to be abused. Being gang raped at 14 is a very terrifying and horrible thing that no child should ever have to go through. Like he said in his poem “I remember It like yesterday at noon”, no person should have to live that down and remember the horrible experience day after day feeling so disgusted with your self. It blows my mind how many women are beaten and even die each year from abuse from their lover. I don’t see how someone could sit there and brutally abuse someone and not fell bad watching them try to get away, crying and screaming for them to stop. I do not think that the people who rape and abuse deserve freedom they deserve their life being taken away in a jail cell, like they take away the women and child’s freedom that they could have had. It makes me feel sad that the abused sometimes can not find a way out especially the children if they have to live with an abusive mother or father. Sam made another very good point about people not knowing or not wanting to know about the abuse and the effects of it going on around us. I feel like there should more helpful places that the abused can go to find a way out.

Here are some domestic violence facts.

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